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  • Writer's pictureChloe Hart

Common injuries in Pilates

Starting any new exercise can be daunting and uncomfortable if you haven’t done it before. Although Pilates is low impact, there are still a few things that you can notice when you first start. Thanks to quick improvement in Pilates, a good teacher to keep you working efficiently and modification of the exercises and positions you should be able to work through these fairly quickly.

  • Lower Back Pain: Often due to improper form or overextension.

Good technique and not overdoing things in class will prevent this injury. Pilates is never about the highest leg, the biggest movement, etc. It’s about doing things that feel right and work with your body not against it.

  • Neck Strain: Caused by improper support and alignment.

This is a common one and although good alignment will help, improved stomach muscles will be beneficial.

  • Shoulder Injuries: Resulting from poor technique in exercises that involve arm movements.

Again, movements must be in line with what your body can do. Thinking about your body and how it’s moving and feeling will help you prevent injuries.

  • Wrist Pain: From bearing too much weight on the wrists during certain exercises.

There are a few quick things that can help with wrist pain in class. Firstly, you can roll up the front end of your mat and place the bottom of your hand on it thereby decreasing the angle of the bend in the wrist. Secondly you can buy press-up bars which will keep your wrists straight. Thirdly, you can do most exercises on your forearms instead of on your wrists.

As you strengthen and become more flexible, these injuries will not bother you. Proper alignment is necessary for developing balanced muscles, strength and flexibilty. A good teacher will prompt you during class so that you are working safely and efficiently.

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